
Bike Anywhere’s goal is to help people develop the skills and confidence to bike more places, from errands to commuting and taking kids to parks.

There are so many reasons to expand how you get around.

Bicycling makes you healthy. The Harvard School of Public Health lists improved cardiovascular fitness, stronger muscles, greater coordination and general mobility, and reduced body fat.

Bicycling makes you happy.  A new meta-study finds that physical activity is equal to or better than medication for treating anxiety or depression.

Bicycling is climate action. The transportation sector is the biggest contributor of climate pollution. Every time you ride somewhere, instead of driving a car, you are part of the solution – showing that a sustainable world is possible.

If you can swap out a regular car trip for a bicycle trip you are building in activity to your daily routines – making it much easier to maintain.

Bike Anywhere’s one-on-one coaching sessions provide support and accountability to make this possible for more people.

About Me

Hello! My name is Mary.

I’m an experienced bicycle commuter. I have been commuting by bike for 15 years, including with children and all winter. My family is a one-car family and are happily able to make daycare, school, work and trips for fun by bicycle in the Twin Cities.

I’m an experienced outdoor leader and bicycle instructor. I worked as an National Park Service Park Ranger guiding thousands of people outdoors on life changing experiences. I led the Sierra Club North Star Chapter’s outings program, re-launching the program after Covid and incorporating bicycling events. I led bicycle events and safety classes with Bike Houston in Texas with accreditation from the League of American Bicyclists.

I’m an award winning bicycle safety advocate. The mayor of Houston, Texas, named June 8, 2017 “Mary Blitzer Day” in recognition of my contributions to safe bicycling.

I look forward to bringing my experience, passion, and positive attitude to helping more people ride their bicycles to destinations across the Twin Cities.